12/29/2010 - Avengers Assemble Volume 1 Trade Paperback (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
11/17/2010 - Realms of Kings Trade Paperback (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
11/17/2010 - Avengers/X-Men: Maximum Security (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
11/10/2010 - Thanos Imperative #6 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
10/13/2010 - Thanos Imperative #5 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
10/06/2010 - Marvel Universe: The End Hardcover (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
09/15/2010 - Heroic Age: Super Heroes #1 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
09/09/2010 - Thanos Imperative #4 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
08/25/2010 - Ultimate Comics Mystery #2 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
08/11/2010 - Thanos Imperative #3 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
07/28/2010 - Ultimate Comics Mystery #1 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
07/21/2010 - Realm of Kings Hardcover (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
07/14/2010 - Thanos Imperative #2 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
07/08/2010 - Thanos Sourcebook (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
06/23/2010 - Nova Volume 6: Realm Of Kings Trade Paperpack (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
06/16/2010 - Avengers The Contest Hardcover (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
06/09/2010 - Avengers I Am An Avenger Volume 2 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
06/03/2010 - Thanos Imperative #1 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
05/31/2010 - Updated Image Gallery with a sketch by Pat Broderick.
05/26/2010 - Thanos Imperative: Ignition #1 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
05/05/2010 - Avengers: I Am An Avenger Volume 1 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
04/21/2010 - Nova #36 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
04/26/2010 - Updated Original Art with 1 new page.
03/29/2010 - Updated Image Gallery with a sketch by Chris Sprouse.
03/17/2010 - Realm of Kings Imperial Guard #5 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
03/10/2010 - Ultimate Spider-Man #8 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
02/10/2010 - Realm of Kings Imperial Guard #4 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
01/20/2010 - Thing: Project Pegasus Hardcover (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
01/17/2010 - Updated Original Art with 1 new page.
01/13/2010 - Realm of Kings Imperial Guard #3 (with a Quasar appearance) shipped today.
01/04/2010 - Updated Original Art with 4 new pages.